Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Numbers 13:28

But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there.

From Background Notes [BN] for Jan 16th & 17th written by Pastor Bob Brown:

Jewish traditions have often linked the “Anakim” with the “giants,” a poor translation of nephilim found in Genesis 6 which referred to “super-sized” warrior-kings bred from carefully selected harems. Even Egyptian execration texts...

...from the Middle Kingdom period (2nd millennium BCE) mention the Anak in Canaan among lists of political enemies to the Pharaoh, referring to them as the Anaq and mentioning their three rulers: Erum, Abiyamimu, and Akirum who appear to have more recent counterparts in our text (13:22). The importance of such mighty warriors to the Israelite spies will become apparent presently. But for now the writer merely takes note of them to underscore possible threats faced by an invading army of conquest. [BN,7]

Join us this week in Worship, Praise and Celebration at C1:
* Saturday 6:00pm
* Sunday 8:30am & 11:15am
* Family Xperiance (FX) 10am

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