Friday, September 16, 2016

Joshua 3:13

And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord—the Lord of all the earth—set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.”

From Background Notes [BN] for Sept 17th & 18th written by Pastor Bob Brown:

Israel needed to cross at the flooded stage of the Jordan in order to arrive “opposite Jericho,” their first military objective in the coming days. Both the timing and the topography were right. So was the obedience of the priests who carried the ark.

They stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, both because of God’s intervention and their commitment to follow His instructions. Nor did this happen for them alone, for they served the community of “all Israel” who depended on their obedience. Continuing emphasis falls on “the whole nation,” emphasizing the united nature of the mission, after the false starts of the previous generation. There was nothing piecemeal about the effort, for the crossing was “completed,” and the endpoint proved to be “dry ground.” This contrast between the flooded river bank and the dry ground on the other side has typical significance. Drawing from the language of Genesis 1, with its account of water and land separated at creation, the impression left by the text is that Israel is living through a new creation experience, with strong tentacles to the exodus tradition as well. After all, the God Israel serves is “Lord of all the earth” — the earth that He made and which He is determined to sustain for the sake of His people. God the Creator brings courage to Israel. [BN,12]

Join us this week in Worship, Praise and Celebration at C1:

* Saturday 6:00pm
* Sunday FamilyXperiance (FX) 10am

* Sunday 8:30am & 11:15am

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